Minseon Kim

artist note 


김민선은 국민대학교에서 도자공예와 영상디자인을 전공한 뒤 이후 조형적 실험을 바탕으로한 실용성있는 도예작업을 선보여왔다. 2020년 온양민속박물관이 주최한 제 2회 공예 열전에서 은상을 수상했으며 월간도예의 ‘2020년 주목하는 젊은 도예가 11인’으로 선정되었다. 2017년부터 세라믹 스튜디오 ‘선과 선분(Line and Segment)’를 운영하고 있으며 최근 원료 실험을 통한 관습적이지 않은 제작방법을 탐구하고있다.

Minseon Kim majored in ceramics and motion picture design at Kookmin University, and has since presented practical ceramic works based on experimental sculpture. She won the silver prize at the 2nd Crafts Exhibition hosted by the Onyang Folk Museum in 2020 and was selected as one of the "11 Emerging Ceramic Artists in 2020" by Monthly Ceramics. Since 2017, she has been running the ceramic studio 'Line and Segment,' and is currently exploring unconventional production methods through raw material experiment.

Born in 1991, Seoul 

2017 Master course, Entertainment Design, College of Design, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
2014  BFA, Ceramics, College of Design, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea

2020, Silver Prize, The Craft Award, Onyang Folk Museum, Korea

Exhibitions and Events


2023, <Flattened Stone>, TACT, Seoul, Korea 
2020, <Drinking Ware for Ritual>, Onyang Folk Museum, Onyang, Korea
2019, <Craft Trend Fair 2019>, Coex, Seoul, Korea


2022, <Thinking of Cup>, Makefolio, Seoul, Korea

2021, <Object and Frame>, Line and Segment, Seoul, Korea 
2021, <The Preview Art Fair 2021>, Blue Square, Seoul, Korea
2021, <Puzzles of Night>, PRNT, Seoul, Korea
2021, <Dear My Blue>, Objecthood Gallery, Busan, Korea
2021, <Local-Rising Jeju>, Stone Museum, Jeju, Korea 
2021, <The way to Garden>, Gallery H, Seoul, Korea
2021, <OA House>, Cabinet Club, Seoul, Korea

2020, <Craft Trend Fair 2020>, Coex, Seoul, Korea
2020, <Ohdear Weekend 2>, Page Myeongdong, Seoul, Korea
2020, <Enjoyment of Everyday Life>, Onyang Folk Museum, Onyang, Korea
2020, <Ohdear Weekend>, Ohdear, Uijeongbu City, Korea
2020, <Point of Life>, Tongin Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2019, <The Beach>, Xtrabold, Seoul, Korea
2019, <2nd>, Line and Segment Studio, Seoul, Korea

2018, <Shape of Nature>, Gouache, Fukuoka, Japan
2017, <HAO>, House Studio, Seoul, Korea
2015, <新春陶藝>, Haegang Ceramic Museum, Ichun, Korea